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Transverse Compression Test

The transverse compression test was performed as per ASTM D3410. Fig. a shows transverse compression test specimen installed in the machine. The stress-strain diagram (Fig. b) shows linear behavior and brittle failure under compression. There is a significant reduction in compressive stress for transverse specimens compared to longitudinal specimens. The compressive stress significantly depends on the fiber orientation. This strength also depicts the shear strength of adhesive (epoxy resin and matrix) binding the fiber layers within the specimen. Fig. c shows the mode of failure of the tested specimen. Failure is characterized by diagonal shear cracks. The three-part failure code as per ASTM D3410 is TGT, T-transverse shear, G-gauge, and T-top.

TC Specimen

Specimen in test machine


TC Chart

Longitudinal compression stress-strain diagram


TC Specimen Failure

Failure mode of longitudinal compression specimen